Sep 4, 2024
Product Academy

The Investor’s Guide to Building Scalable Startups with No-Code

Learn why is a smart choice for startups, addressing key investor concerns like scalability and defensibility.

The Investor’s Guide to Building Scalable Startups with No-Code

Investing in a startup means navigating a landscape rich with both opportunity and risk. As investors, you're looking for ventures that are scalable, defensible, and innovative—those that promise substantial returns. With the rise of no-code platforms like, there's growing interest in how these technologies can power startup growth. Yet, skepticism remains, particularly around scalability and defensibility. Let’s delve into why should be seriously considered as the backbone of a startup’s tech stack and how it directly addresses common investor concerns.

Addressing Key Concerns: Defensibility and Scalability

Defensibility: One major concern with no-code platforms is whether they can build a defensible market position, given that the technology is accessible and could potentially be replicated. However, the true defensibility of a product extends beyond the code itself. It lies in the unique value proposition, brand, and customer experience a startup offers. empowers startups to rapidly iterate and enhance these aspects, allowing them to stay ahead of competitors by refining what truly sets them apart.

Scalability: Investors often question whether a no-code platform like can scale as a startup grows. While traditional development might seem more customizable,’s architecture is designed with scalability in mind. Its robust API connector allows seamless integration with other tools and services, ensuring that as the user base grows, the product can handle increased demand without compromising performance. This flexibility is a crucial asset for startups aiming to expand quickly and efficiently.

Managing Technical Debt: A Strategic Approach

Mitigating Technical Debt: Another common concern is the potential accumulation of technical debt—quick-to-market solutions might lack a solid technical foundation, leading to future complications. However, startups can mitigate this by adopting a proactive approach. By presenting a clear strategy for managing technical debt, including plans for future refactoring and maintaining code quality, startups demonstrate their commitment to long-term sustainability. This foresight reassures investors that they are not just looking for quick wins but are building with the future in mind.

Strategic Advantages of for Startups

Time to Market: Speed is crucial in the startup world. enables rapid development and deployment, allowing startups to test and iterate products quickly. This agility provides a significant competitive advantage, particularly in fast-moving markets.

Cost Efficiency: Traditional development can be costly, often requiring extensive coding expertise. reduces this need, enabling startups to allocate resources more efficiently. This cost-saving allows capital to be redirected toward critical areas like marketing or customer acquisition, further enhancing the startup's growth potential.

Fast Iterations: In the early stages of product development, the ability to quickly refine a product based on user feedback is invaluable. supports this by enabling rapid iterations, allowing startups to adapt to market needs swiftly, increasing their chances of success.

Scalability and Security with

Contrary to some misconceptions, is designed for scalability. Its robust API connector enables flexible integrations, and when paired with backend no-code tools like Xano, it forms a solid foundation for scaling applications. Furthermore,’s security, built on AWS infrastructure, ensures compliance with industry standards, safeguarding sensitive data—a critical concern for any investor.

Aligning with the Lean Startup Methodology

Investors often champion the lean startup methodology, which emphasizes rapid prototyping, testing, and iteration. aligns perfectly with these principles, enabling startups to build minimum viable products (MVPs) quickly and refine them based on real user feedback. This minimizes waste and maximizes learning, making an ideal fit for startups operating under lean principles. Notably, Eric Ries, the founder of the Lean Startup movement, recognized’s potential so strongly that he invested in the company. This endorsement underscores the platform's alignment with lean principles and its capability to support rapid, iterative development.

Success Stories: Startups and Enterprises Thriving on

Nothing speaks louder than success stories. Several startups and enterprises have leveraged to build and scale their operations effectively:


  • Dividend Finance: Operating a solar panel financing platform and a CRM for installers, Dividend Finance has raised over $330 million and processed more than $1 billion in loans with a Bubble-built solution.
  • Cuure: Developed entirely on Bubble, Cuure secured €1.8 million from leading European investors.
  • Comet: Achieved $800k in revenue on Bubble before securing its first $13 million funding round.
  • Teal: Raised $5 million for its career platform built on Bubble.
  • Teamout: A marketplace created on, received backing from Y-Combinator and subsequently raised $3 million.
  • Nextbite: Developed on Bubble, this startup recently garnered a $120 million investment from SoftBank.


  • Teach for America: Developed an efficient workflow system to support teachers, replacing spreadsheets and emails with a custom web app that streamlines processes and enhances productivity.
  • Consenna & HP: A UK-based agency that aids IT brands like HP, Dell, and Lenovo to boost sales through resellers. With Airdev, a Bubble Gold agency partner, Consenna uses Bubble for rapid, innovative software solutions, enhancing time-to-market competitiveness.
  • UCL Med School: Developed an educational ecosystem on Bubble, starting with a tutoring app and expanding to manage student records and the UCL Medical School Curriculum Map app, supporting 12,000 users.
  • La Metro (French Government): Launched a digital transformation initiative using a Bubble app to deliver clean water to 500,000 residents.
  • Athena: Connects clients with executive assistants and builds custom tools with Bubble to avoid costly off-the-shelf solutions. This strategic investment is yielding significant returns.
  • Seagate: Optimized operations by creating internal tools on Bubble, leading to the successful rebuild of a major subscription hub, previously developed over three years by a traditional team.

These examples highlight’s potential to support significant growth and investment, demonstrating that no-code platforms are not just viable options but strategic advantages for startups and enterprises alike.

The Growing Credibility of No-Code Platforms

No-code platforms like are gaining traction and credibility, evidenced by substantial investments and increasing adoption by both startups and enterprises. This trend underscores the growing confidence in no-code as a transformative technology that is reshaping the tech landscape.

How Enhances Your Investment

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Customer retention is the key

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What are the most relevant factors to consider?

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Don’t overspend on growth marketing without good retention rates

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  • Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar
  • Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti
What’s the ideal customer retention rate?

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Next steps to increase your customer retention

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CEO & Co-Founder

Ex-google growth strategist and former startup founder

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